Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

“Thanks but with reservations!”
November 24, 2011

Sorry to turn a jaundiced eye on yesterday as a “special ” day …but we have not got a lot to be thankful for right now.

The social discourse in this country has been taken down to such a low-level by the Limbaugh’s and the Hannity’s and most of the entire main stream media that is just plain painful to see.

The Limbaugh non stop racism against the President’s family is so out of control and unchallenged in most media that I’ m sure that if I ever got close enough to this pig I would …as we say in Australia..”king hit” him. A “king hit” is when you don’t give the victim a chance to defend himself..but just clobber the bastard on his blind side. This probably would get me arrested ….but I would wear my number proudly.

The pictures of American police beating on the heads and pepper spraying the faces and  bodies of their fellow American peaceful demonstrators is not something to be thankful for or proud of.

The out of touch leadership of ego tripping scared shitless authority figures like Mayor Bloomberg defies the description.  The mayor of an enlightened highly educated and advanced city sends his police force into their encampment and tears down their tents and their medical facility and destroys their library and tosses 2,000 books into the garbage.  How does one equate that with what many of us think is a superior way of life here?

Bloomberg tried to save his sorry ass by trumping up a terrorist threat in NY and holding a bogus press conference to announce he’s taken out a terrorist whom the FBI knew about and declined to prosecute .The guy was a mental case .. a demented fool who could no more make a bomb that Dennis Miller can make people laugh. This subterfuge was so patently obvious that Bloomberg looked like a third-rate REALITY SHOW host trying to persuade people that everything  on “Jersey Shores” is completely spontaneous.

Even before this military style action and the disgusting overeaching UC Davis police pepper spraying incident  …those that talk of “American exceptionalism” were… and still are…  full of sh*t!!

Also you so-called “Christians” at the debates cheering death… booing gay soldiers on active duty serving YOUR country…applauding war mongering…get lost cretins….thanks but no thanks!!

 ….and as we  sat down to stuff face yesterday many of us were  eating the doses of tryptophan heavy turkey so we could quickly nod off afterwards so not to endure all those family members who still insist that the duly elected President of the American people (by a landslide)…is actually illegitimate because he’s a socialist Indonesian with Muslim tendencies.   

We have less to be thankful for than we think!

But at least Bernie Madoff is in jail..even though Abramoff and Dick Cheney are not.

And now shoppers are going berserk and throwing the GOP into a further panic as it may be killing the recessi0n they hoped would last until next freakin’ November!!!

” Let’s hear it for Child Labor!”
November 24, 2011

As the holidays are upon us its time to turn our attention to ways to improve our future..Newt Gingrich has a great idea..lets bring back child labor! ..This is a family values idea! 

Newt’s brilliant idea to start with is we fire all the school janitors and put high school kids in their place essentially cleaning up their own mess. They can do this after school instead of homework..and although they won’t get half the education they should it doesn’t matter ‘caus they can all grow up to be building custodians.  

Good one Newt…Now can somebody give Newt his evening pill and send him home to Callista so she can blind him with her jewelry and that glassy stare that looks like they forgot to fix that part of her brain that says “human!”

Newt is a character out of Charles Dickens. He’s roly-polly, has rosy cheeks but he’s a dark and mean assed laggard that would ..if he were alive in those times….employ defenseless street urchins to work in his dangerous shoe factories chewing leather to make it soft for the shoes of the rich and Victorian. 

How far down have we come when a man can actually say that crap on any news show and not be completely laughed off the face of the earth?

But here we have Bill Old’ Reilly defending the use of pepper spray on non violent students…Megyn Kelly saying its “just a vegetable product”…and Fox News pundits listening to the pontificating of a con artist and a debunked disgraced politician who is also a serial adulterer making inane and impossibly ridiculous statements and getting away without being annihilated by tough reporters tearing the bejesus out of his rotting 19th century guts! ‘

Hey Newton..Ed Schultz awaits you….Rachel Maddow awaits you …Keith Olberman awaits you…Lawrence awaits you…but the American public ..the one’s with kids will only await your demise as a serious candidate.

Newt you’re not fit for public office anymore..remember they drummed you out of it last time..but you won’t get that far this time… You are a slimy fraud and your past cannot stand the scrutiny even before God forbid you got to stand on the same stage as the current President of the United States  where you would disintegrate into a messy pile of 19th century flotsam.  

“The all new Pepper Spray Veggie Pizza!”
November 23, 2011

Fox News’ MEGYN KELLY told her viewers recently that she didn’t know what all the fuss was about when pepper spray was just a “vegetable product.” 

In a real news organization this would meet instant dismissal or relegation to the North Dakota Fox station as a stand by weather girl.

At Fox News Meygn was given an award for finding one more way to take down the Occupy Movement and hit on the educated people who have never ever in their whole lives ever seen what goes on 24/7 at Fox non-news.

Added to this description of a painful and vicious weapon of student destruction was the news recently that so-called “nutritional experts” from the right side of the track were assuring the parents of America that Pizza was a vegetable because it contained “tomato paste.” 


Judging from the mentally backward ill-informed group of loony tunes that we see each week on the GOP clown ain’t that slow!! 

The CNN and FOX NEWS questioning of these losers is to ,say the least, pathetic..there are no issues the mediators DON’T tend to lobby soft balls at. Where are the hard assed questions to people like BACHMANN , Cain, Perry and Santorum all of whom should’ve been put away weeks ago..Where are the statistics that should be thrown at Gingrich..whom they keep calling “Speaker of the House”when  he should be called “Grifter of the House?” 

None of these people are worthy enough to lead the free world. They are a mediocre bunch of appeasers to the extremist to the Fascist wing of the now defunct Republican Party.

They are an affront to basic civility and the reality of today’s world. They are all weak spineless people or just plain ego tripping fools with no hope of beating the current President.

Turkey day came early on this TUESDAY NIGHT when Santorum … taking a leaf out of the Sarah Palin playbook…and called Africa a country!   Ill- informed man in an ill-fitting suit. ..and by the way who ever was doing the makeup on the candidates had over donated at the apple martini bank!! 

When Romney seems almost reasonable and the Beltway’s “previously insider’s insider old school con artist con artist and wife cheater” Newt Gingrich seems a plausible front-runner to the TEA PARTY family values people we can say that at least one side of the country’s political party has literally gone insane!

The GOP is heading for a smaller and smaller piece of the American pepper spray veggie pizza pie.


November 22, 2011

……zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….burp…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……breakwind ….zzzzzzzzzzzz..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…. …..ha ha ha ha ha ha !!……..zzzzzzzzzzzzz…..toilet break to barf…….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…….

                             click over to RACHEL!!     

November 22, 2011

The Occupy Wall Street Movement has taken all of us progressives, the middle class and youth of the country from being on the defensive to the offensive..

The only offensive thing the Right has going for them now is shrill overkill dialogue and the brutality of rogue cops!

The middle class unions are coming together in solidarity with the Occupy Movement.

The colleges across the country are coming together in solidarity with the Davis campus pepper spraying debacle.

The Democratic party has a chance here to seize this powerhouse juggernaut of a movement by its growing balls and sweep the Republican extremist losers and their unAmerican main stream policies away forever.

The ridiculous critical outbursts of the right wing press and the right wing politicians are so off the map and off course to be dismissed as only there to please their corporate masters and the confused and delusionary idiots from the bogus made up Tea Party movement.

Newt Gingrich …the latest Clown candidate to gain momentum with the bloodlust crowd …dug a grave of monumental proportions by telling the Occupy Movement to “get a bath.” The only bath coming is if Newt gets the nomination..this has about as much chance as DENNIS MILLER has of winning a comedy award. 

Newt is so out of touch with the main stream he’s still got an eight track in his Cordoba.

Newt is so out of touch he thinks Chuck Norris can still kick ass.

Newt is so out of touch he’s sending emails to Glenn Beck’s hit TV show. 

Newt is so out of touch he’s still got his discount cards for Border’s and Circuit City.

Newt is so out of touch he thinks Brad Pitt is still married to Jennifer Aniston.

Newt is so out of touch he’s still calling Kirsty Alley “fatty!”

Newt is so out of touch he thinks Dick Cheney can live without the aid of triple A batteries and a hook up to  a major hydro electric plant. 

FOXBLONDES follow up to the follow up…
November 22, 2011



A new report out recently shows that Fox News viewers” know less about the news than people who don’t watch news.”  (Google this if you think we’re full of sh*t)

We cannot put this amazing statistic down to blaming any single Fox News clone-clown individual but it does say a great deal about what Fox has done to the massive susceptible idiot audience out there.

Fox News has done the impossible it has turned idiots into bigger idiots.

So now we can report than as Hannity’s hair-line grows down to his eyebrows causing him to look more and more like Piltdown Man!

…As Bill O’Reilly loves the smell of pepper spray in the morning and continues to hide underaged Thai hookers in his Fox News locker.

…As Greta continues to want to share a secret one bedroom apartment with Sarah Palin…and as Brett Hume continues to pretend he’s actually reading real news while looking good in a suit…things are becoming fair and balanced from outside rather than in.  

The FOX NEWS viewers are just not paying attention to anything the news people are saying that isn’t telling them that Obama is a “perverted socialist anarchist Anti-Christ who was born into an Indonesian brothel in a union between a woman and a large rodent.”   

But the real culprits behind the complete “non-news audience” on a “non-news network” has to be our old favorite whipping girls..THE FOX NEWS BLONDES!!

***Sexist alert…for those not initiated in the art of satire!!!

Fox News’ red-blooded red necked red state idiot does NOT care what comes out of the Blonde’s mouths…

NEWS is definitely NOT what the average male “NASCAR loving,” “First Lady booing” petty bigoted heavily armed cretin wants.

He wants oiled legs..greased thighs and constantly moving leg action!

Syrian massacres cannot compete with a luscious lick of those gorgeous glossy lips…

Super committee meltdowns cannot compete with a toss of a come on looking coiffed blonde head…

Police brutality cannot compete with the sensual shuffling of news copy with those magnificent manicured red nails..

…And when the Blondes look langerously into the camera and say :”Stay tuned for more shocking revelations about naked socialism”.. the male FOX news viewer doesn’t go past the word “naked!”.. and will defintely stay tuned.       

With “Housewives of Atlanta”.. the viewership is made up of some women who like to see what plastic surgery can do when used in total excess… and of horny middle aged men who want to imagine boffing  housewives from the South.

…With Fox News the viewership is probably made up of women who are permanently chained to their kitchens and men who would like to see the Fox News Blonde’s permanently chained to walls  in their basements.

Fox News can now be exposed as turning an average non thinking moron into an even more non thinking  but sexually frustrated moron who giving air time to Alex Jones who took a course in using sentences that will eventually convict him and sentence him to a long term in Federal prison for being an instigator of  driving crazy people with guns to kill innocent people who don’t agree with them, 

But then again news is good news they say!     

circular fire…………………..
November 21, 2011

So ..a while ago …all over the world-wide media world… we saw the word “FAILURE” connected with the supposed arrogantly titled “Super Committee’s” complete and abject unwillingness to find a way to a bi-partisan plan cutting the deficit.

It was doomed before it began.. Obama was well aware of the nit wits who were chosen to represent “FAILURE!”  Both the REPUBLICAN lock jawed Koch paid grifters and the lily livered weak knees DEMODOGS were doomed to “FAILURE”.. the President set the trap and it cut their balls off. Trying to pry higher taxes from the rich from these REPUBLICANS is like trying to pry a specific answer to any question from Le Roy or Willard.

The party of NO is slowly but surely digging itself a ditch big enough to put the entire bloated bigoted body of  the tower of racist blubber Rush Limbaugh in standing up!

Now …from a weakened 8% popularity polling of the American people…John Boehner… the Oil Can Harry of Politics …is  attempting to hold up the economy and the PRESIDENT with his desperate idiotic blackmailing plot to get the CANADIAN/US Oil Shale pipeline back on the non environmental but Oil company friendly books.  

So with the REPUBLICAN Congress at an all time low in popularity ..why might we ask are they still insistent on trying to also fight for further tax cuts for the rich..the most unpopular legislation since Prohibition.?

Do the Housewives of the say No Congress…say no …?

” Come in guys we’re gonna take youse on a trip around the world like you’ve never had before!”